Know How to Format your Dissertation according to Capella University Guidelines

A flawless dissertation is the ultimate aim of the scholars. Penning down a perfect looking dissertation not only requires inclusion of key findings and zero-plagiarism & grammar errors but also demands adherence to the University’s formatting guidelines, failing to which your dissertation will be considered nothing but merely a bundle of sheets.

Different Universities include different formatting guidelines; While some such as Fitchburg University may follow MLA style, some others such as Capella University follows APA style. 

Capella University strictly demands your dissertation to be formatted in APA style. However, formatting your piece of writing as per the rules of APA style is easier said than done. 

Some of the guidelines to be followed while formatting your dissertation as per Capella University are:

  • Abstract – According to the guidelines of Capella, the abstract section shouldn’t be longer than 350 words. Within this section use of references as well as footer must be avoided. The word limit defined by Capella is a little longer than those described by APA journals. The additional word length provides the flexibility of developing a self-contained abstract which can then be indexed and published separately in research databases. The heading of the section should appear on an unnumbered page and must be located at the center. The heading must be made bold with APA level 1 heading. The text should be double-spaced and completely justified paragraph formatting isn’t required for this section.
  • Tables and figures – Tables, charts and figures must be included within the text immediately after discussing the conceptual material but on a separate page. The heading of the section must be bold and centered. All the tables must maintain a uniform font size. The notes for tables should be placed below the tables and for figures, it must be placed at the end of the caption. The caption must be aligned and highlighted in the left rather than the center. On the other hand, the list of tables and figures must follow the table of contents. The entries must be single-spaced and the tables & figures must be entered by number, title and page cite.
  • Reference list – Although this section is not a comprehensive bibliography, it should consist of all references cited in the body of your dissertation. The list should be titled as ‘References’ and should be centered & bold. The list must be single-spaced within each entry. However, the entries must be double-spaced using a hanging indent style. The references shouldn’t be split between the pages. Note that the formatting style varies according to the type of source. For instance, if you are referencing journal, then capitalize the heading of the journal-title, except prepositions and articles.
  • Block quotations – As per the guidelines of Capella University, direct quotations that include more than 40 words should be intended half-a-inch from the left margin. The block quotation can be either single-spaced or double-spaced as long as they are done consistently through your dissertation. The single quotation marks are utilized only to replace the double quotation marks in the original quotation of an in-paragraph direct quotation. Punctuation marks such as question mark must be placed inside the closing quotation mark only if they are part of the quoted material. On the other hand, the period & comma must always be placed within the closing quotation mark.
  • Appendices – This chapter should be placed after the reference list. The heading of the section must be capitalized, blog and centered. The appendices should be lettered, not numbered. Include all the necessary documentation but exclude paperwork such as CITI forms, IRB or resumes. Number the tables & figures separately from those of other sections. Do not number the appendix pages separately; continue pagination from previous pages. If you have only one appendix, then you need not include the letter A in the appendix title. Also, if the titles are longer than one line, single-space them. 
  • Table of contents (TOC) – This section including a list of tables & figures and chapter titles (in caps) should be centered, bold and have APA level 1 heading. Note that only the heading of the section and not the entries. The TOC must be double-spaced, the entries should be single-spaced, capitalized & aligned left. Indent the level 1 heading one-half inch or sub-headings five spaces. The title of the chapters must be aligned to the left whereas the page numbers must be aligned to the right without leader dots.

Of all the aspects, the dissertation is a vital component that lets you achieve your graduate degree. Therefore, ensuring the perfection of each element in the dissertation is a must. Format your dissertation as per the specific guidelines of Capella University, increase the readability of your work and obtain the desired approval from your review committee.

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