How to use the breaks between writing PhD Thesis productively?

Are you here to use your break-time productively or are you here because you are worried that you will end up using another of your hour watching the episode of a series you currently love?

Whether it is writing a PhD Thesis or any other long research break, you DESERVE A BREAK and sorry to break it to you, but breaks are not considered breaks if you keep filling in your brain with information.

The best way of using a break productively (for the further writing) is to relax. Writing a paper of up to 4-5 pages or 1000-1500 words in a single sitting is okay but longer research documents, like thesis proposal, complete PhD thesis, research papers, manuscripts, or books call for a break.

However, to make sure that the break doesn’ go in vain let’s feed two birds with one scone and answer when do you need breaks while answering how you can use the breaks while writing PhD thesis productively.


  1. Write Freely:

Make it a routine to write freely everyday, maybe by using the 15-minute rule. Take a break with every chapter break and start your new day with the 15-minute write up. In that write up try to include all the points you want to include in your thesis chapter. Yes, 15 minutes are not enough but that’s the thing. It doesn’t have to be perfect, see it as a warm-up before writing the actual chapter.

  1. Highlight New Words:

Do not let your thoughts go stagnant even after planning the information and starting to write. Use your breaks by reading, read something unrelated to your project or research topic but read something that can help you to improve your choice of words. Highlight those words which can be used in your thesis. It doesn’t just give you a little breather but also maintains a flow of thoughts.

  1. Keep A Journal:

Not a personal diary, but a diary for your progress. A lot of people use monthly planners for tasks, savings, healthy diets, and so on. Similarly, keeping a journal where you can write about the daily expectations, achievements, and problems faced can help you have a better understanding of your PhD thesis. You do not have to worry about finding a time to write it, just use a little time of your break for it and keep your research development timeline in control.

  1. Identify The Productive Time:

People do not randomly blabber about being a morning person or a night person. There is a particular time when you are more productive. It could be either early morning, after dinner, late night, or other time of the day. Think about that time in your free time and try to establish a routine in a way that helps in utilizing your daily productive time.

  1. Meditate:

Meditation is not just about closing your eyes and resisting the stressful thoughts, it can be seen as relaxing as well. By meditating, the main focus is to put a halt on your chaotic thoughts and give yourself some time to think about your research writing. Use the break time, just for the sake of break and providing yourself the much deserved rest.


  1. On The Way Down:

In case the thesis chapter got long and you need a break in between, try to use that break time after covering up the major portion. Breaking the flow while writing the significant part can lead to an error or you may forget to add a specific point once you continue. 

  1. When Nothing’s Left:

A sure signal that you need a break is when your mind has nothing new to add. So, instead of blankly staring at your written PhD chapter, it is better to use the break time. In such a case, it is better to take a longer break (maybe even a day), then a break of a few minutes or an hour.

  1. Thinking About Anything And Everything:

Have you started thinking about what you will be eating in your meal or when did you last meet your friends? A wandering mind is the direct way of your brain telling you that you need some time to cool off. Use that break to give your thoughts a way and get done with your meal or talk to your friends just in case.

  1. When Brain Demands Sleep:

Coffees and Energy drinks are a big no no. It does not just confuse your brain abou your sleep requirement but also slows the process of thinking in the long run. Hunger, thirst, and sleep are prime requirements of your body and mind, even if you win against them now, you will be losing later. So, go and take a nap.

  1. Detachment Check:

It is common to get fond of your PhD research document because every writer at some point gets at that point. However, if you are planning to criticize your work or edit it in order to run a quality check, you need to run the detachment check first. Take a break when you stop seeing any mistake in your writing. Read the written thesis after a day to have a fresh perspective and detached criticism.

Now, you know what to do when your brain asks you to take a break. As a writer, we understand that taking a break can seem like reluctance in completing work but it always comes with it once the result is good. Therefore, to improve the quality of your PhD thesis writing, use your breaks productively as well as for some time to relax.

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